WHAT'S AT THE MARKET?Local mushrooms, apples, poultry, stuffed cabbage, smoothies, radishes, homemade bread, sweet & savory pies, croissants, Indonesian chicken 'n rice, carrots, garlic, onion, sweet potatoes, red and white potatoes, ground beef, sausage, chicken pot pie, bacon, potato salad, cornbread, microgreens, hydroponic lettuce, Greek olive oil, olives, BBQ, fajitas, pupusas VENDORS AT THE MARKET
SPRING 2024 APPLICATIONS ARE OPENATTENTION VENDORS! SPRING APPLICATIONS are now online at olneyfarmersmarket.com. Also a reminder that all vendors need to stay until 1pm, barring an emergency. If you need to leave early, come to the Info booth, and we’ll escort you out safely. Also, in the event of high winds, Market staff will order all tents down. This is for everyone’s safety. CHOCOLATE AND CHEER!We invite you to a one-of-a-kind soiree at a fabulous venue in Ashton. The date is Friday, May 10th from 6:30 to 8:30pm for just $25 person. Enjoy mouthwatering hot and cold hors d'oeuvres, market sangria, homemade crepes and all things chocolate for dessert. Proceeds go to helping our neediest customers. Reservations are limited. Tickets can be purchased here.
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